Founded in January 2018, the Biomimetic Sciences Institute (BSI), is a non-profit foundation based in Barcelona that focuses on biomimetics, a bio-inspiration implemented to improve human action, designs, products and infrastructure of the planet. The BSI seeks to create and implement innovative solutions inspired by nature in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment and to consolidate a better citizenship adapted to the needs of our future, always working towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Business Confederation of Macedonia (BCM) was established in 2001. It started operating as an association of employers which articulated, represented and supported the interests of its members and the interests of the business community in the country. Today, BCM’s membership consists of 8.500 companies associated in 13 business associations. Apart from representing and advocating the interests of its members, BCM is a catalyst of the expression of the business community and a driver of the social dialog and the industrial relations in the country. Promoting the concept of running businesses responsibly, BCM encourages the sustainability of the economy and long- term growth of the companies in North Macedonia.

GLOCAL FACTORY (GF) is a network of experts working for inclusion and innovation in Europe.The Project Team writes and carries out European projects in different fields, focusing on Erasmus+, AMIF, and REC programmes. With its international Team based in Italy and Greece, Glocal Factory is composed of both experts with years of knowledge in EU projects and new young members, bringing in complementary skills.

Eduplius is an NGO which aims to create stronger connections between youth and the world of enterprises by equipping them with necessary competences for taking a lead and planning and running own initiatives. NGO involves experienced staff who has been working in education for many years. Important focus of organisation is STEAM education.

Personal Training EOOD (PT) is Continuous Vocational Education and Training (C-VET) centre based in Rousse, Bulgaria. Its main activity is focused at organizing and implementing vocational and key competences training courses and career guidance services to both young people and adults. PT has significant experience in working with specific target groups such as NEETs, unemployed people, migrants and Roma minorities at local level.